Benefits of using capsaicin powder

Manfaat menggunakan bubuk capsaicin

What are the benefits of bubuk capsaicin, do you know? The main points are as follows:

1. Appetizer and digestion. Pepper can promote the secretion of digestive juices and increase appetite.

2. Warm the stomach to drive away the cold. According to "Food Materia Medica", chili can warm the spleen and stomach. If you experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach ache in the cold, you can eat hot peppers appropriately. Chili powder has the effect of relieving the spleen and stomach and has certain benefits for warming the stomach.

3. Promote blood circulation. Pepper has certain medicinal properties, so it can "remove wind, sweat, sputum, and dehumidification." In modern medicine, it can promote blood circulation, improve coldness, frostbite, and vascular headaches.

4. Skin beauty. Pepper can promote hormone secretion in the body and improve skin condition. Many people think that spicy food will cause acne, but it is not a problem with chili. Only the physique who loves acne will add fuel to the fire after eating chili. Chili powder can have a good beauty and nourishment effect, and it is helpful for improving the skin.

5. Lower fat and lose weight. Capsaicin can accelerate the decomposition of fat, and the rich dietary fiber also has a certain effect of lowering blood lipids.

6. Pain relief and heat dissipation. Capsicum is warm in nature, can reduce body temperature through sweating and relieve muscle pain, so it has a strong antipyretic and analgesic effect. American studies have found that capsaicin can reduce the neurotransmitter that conveys pain and make people feel less painful. Chili powder can have a good heat-clearing and analgesic effect, and it can also improve physical fitness.

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